
Rain International

Start building with a company poised for explosive growth!

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Before you begin building a business, you’ll need to fill out the proper paperwork. First, go to our enrollment page then click on the appropriate link to submit your Associate Application and Agreement form.

Once we’ve received and processed your application, you may begin building a Rain International business by sponsoring other people as Associates or Customers. Rain International Associates may immediately begin purchasing products at Preferred Pricing for their personal consumption and have the added benefit of being allowed to resell products purchased at Preferred Pricing for a retail profit and build a sales prganization in any of our 26 countries.


When you purchase products—both for your personal use and to re-sell to retail customers—you’ll begin to accumulate points from each product. You’ll need to generate a certain number of points each month to keep your business active—this is Personal Sales Volume. But don’t worry, you’re not alone. Rain’s Compensation Plan is built to help you succeed, and it centers around teamwork.

The points your team members accumulate individually are pooled together into Group Sales Volume. It’s your Group Sales Volume—the amount of points your team accumulates together—that determine the size of your commissions.


Before you sell USANA’s top-rated products, you really should use them yourself. And although this step isn’t required, it’s important to become a product of the product—there’s no easier way to do that than by setting up an Auto Order.

Auto Order is a reoccurring shipment sent directly to you on a regular basis. The products you order, and the frequency with which they ship, are all up to you. It’s the perfect way to keep on top of your product supplies and it can also help increase your earnings potential by ensuring you have a minimal inventory from which to re-sell to your retail customers. Best of all, you will receive an additional 10 percent off the already reduced Preferred Price on qualifying products purchased through Auto Order.


Whether you decide to open one Business Center or three Business Centers, the most important step is to get started.

You can start building your business by finding new customers. You’ll also need to sponsor two new Associates to join your organization. These new team members will form the left and right sides of your Business Center, and as the three of you find new customers and sponsor new team members, your Business Center will begin to grow.